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Scaling our backend 100x

08 December, 2018

The egineering team at clarisights talks about the strategies and techniques applied for scaling their backend 100X. From indexing and reducing DB ops to memoization and caching - a complete breakdown of the problem and the steps taken to reach the solution.

Ruby Hotspots: Finding avenues for Memoization and Caching

05 December, 2018

The egineering team at clarisights describe how they found and eliminated hotspots in their Ruby on Rails code using caching and memoization. A Key challenge faced was the identification of the hotspots in code where the benefits for caching would be maximized.


25 November, 2018

This is a source code walkthrough of InnerSelf - a tiny view + state management solution using innerHTML and ES6 template literals. InnerSelf to mimic a React+Redux solution in a minimal way, at just 600 bytes minified, ~350 bytes when gzipped.


24 November, 2018

This is a source code walkthrough of Bubbly-bg - a tiny dependency free library to get beautiful animated bubbly backgrounds for your webpages.

The Source History of Cat

12 November, 2018

A tour of the many historical implementations of the Unix cat utility. Ken Thompson and Dennis Ritchie began writing Unix on a PDP 7. This was in 1969, before C, so all of the early Unix software was written in PDP 7 assembly. The first implementation of cat is thus in PDP 7 assembly. See how cat evolved from the 1960s PDP implementation to how it is today.

    The Story of WordPress - Part 6

    06 November, 2018

    Sixth part in the six part series that takes us into the history and development of WordPress.

      See all posts in the blog →

      JS30 Series

      Whack a mole

      04 September, 2018

      This is the 30th project of Wes Bos's JS30 series. Today we'll build whack a mole game from scratch in vanilla JS!

        Countdown timer

        04 September, 2018

        This is the 29th project of Wes Bos's JS30 series. Today we'll build a custom JavaScript countdown timer from scratch.

          Video speed controller

          04 September, 2018

          This is the 28th project of Wes Bos's JS30 series. Today we'll build an experimental video speed controller UI.

            Click and drag

            04 September, 2018

            This is the 27th project of Wes Bos's JS30 series. Today we make a pretty neat click and drag to scroll interface where you will learn a whole lot about JavaScript events!

              Stripe nav

              04 September, 2018

              This is the 26th project of Wes Bos's JS30 series. Today we'll re-creating the smooth Stripe dropdown follow-along navigation.

                JS Events

                04 September, 2018

                This is the 25th project of Wes Bos's JS30 series. In this exercise we'll play with JS events - bubbling, capture and one time events.

                  See all posts in this series →

                  Two Bit History

                  The Source History of Cat

                  12 November, 2018

                  A tour of the many historical implementations of the Unix cat utility. Ken Thompson and Dennis Ritchie began writing Unix on a PDP 7. This was in 1969, before C, so all of the early Unix software was written in PDP 7 assembly. The first implementation of cat is thus in PDP 7 assembly. See how cat evolved from the 1960s PDP implementation to how it is today.

                    How Lisp Became God's Own Programming Language

                    14 October, 2018

                    A look at the fascinating history behind the one programming language with magical powers. "John McCarthy, Lisp's creator, did not originally intend for Lisp to be an elegant distillation of the principles of computation. But, after one or two fortunate insights and a series of refinements, that's what Lisp became."

                      A Short History of Chaosnet

                      30 September, 2018

                      Chaosnet is a long-extinct network protocol. But traces of it survive in the plumbing of the internet. Chaosnet was developed in the 1970s as a part of a larger effort to design and build a machine that could run the Lisp programming language more efficiently than a general-purpose computer.

                        The Rise and Demise of RSS

                        16 September, 2018

                        There are two stories here. The first is a story about a vision of the web's future that never quite came to fruition. The second is a story about how a collaborative effort to improve a popular standard devolved into one of the most contentious forks in the history of open-source software development. An unabridged history of RSS' triumphs and failures.

                          Learning BASIC Like It's 1983

                          02 September, 2018

                          Today, everyone knows how to use a computer, but very few people, even in the computing industry, grasp all of what is going on inside of any single machine. In 1983, though, home computers were unsophisticated enough that a diligent person could learn how a particular computer worked through and through. This post imagines a childhood encounter with BASIC on the Commodore 64.

                            What Did Ada Lovelace's Program Actually Do?

                            18 August, 2018

                            In 1843, Ada Lovelace published the first nontrivial program. How did it work? While regarded as the first programmer, her program was never even run, because the computer she was targeting was never built. Modern computing as we know it hadn't even been invented yet!

                              See all posts in this series →

                              The Story of WordPress

                              The Story of WordPress - Part 6

                              06 November, 2018

                              Sixth part in the six part series that takes us into the history and development of WordPress.

                                The Story of WordPress - Part 5

                                05 November, 2018

                                Fifth part in the six part series that takes us into the history and development of WordPress.

                                  The Story of WordPress - Part 4

                                  04 November, 2018

                                  Fourth part in the six part series that takes us into the history and development of WordPress.

                                    The Story of WordPress - Part 3

                                    03 November, 2018

                                    Third part in the six part series that takes us into the history and development of WordPress.

                                      The Story of WordPress - Part 2

                                      02 November, 2018

                                      Second part in the six part series that takes us into the history and development of WordPress.

                                        The Story of WordPress - Part 1

                                        01 November, 2018

                                        First part in the six part series that takes us into the history and development of WordPress.

                                          See all posts in this series →

                                          Made with ♥ by a group of nerds on Earth!