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The Most Important Database You've Never Heard of

07 October, 2017

In 1962, JFK challenged Americans to send a man to the moon by the end of the decade, inspiring a heroic engineering effort that culminated in Neil Armstrong's first steps on the lunar surface. But the Apollo Program was so staggeringly complex that new technologies had to be invented even to do the mundane things. One of these technologies was IBM's Information Management System (IMS).

    The Lineage of Man

    28 September, 2017

    The story of man is inextricably tied to the story of Unix. The very first version of Unix (1971) did not provide a man command. But Douglas McIlroy, who managed the Unix project, insisted that some kind of documentation be made available. This resulted in the Unix Programmer's Manual which later paved way for the man pages we know today.

      The Rise and Rise of JSON

      21 September, 2017

      JSON has taken over the world. Today, when any two applications communicate with each other across the internet, odds are they do so using JSON. It has been adopted by all the big players: Of the ten most popular web APIs, a list consisting mostly of APIs offered by major companies like Google, Facebook, and Twitter, only one API exposes data in XML rather than JSON.

        Made with ♥ by a group of nerds on Earth!