This is my about page!
This is the 27th project of Wes Bos's JS30 series. Today we make a pretty neat click and drag to scroll interface where you will learn a whole lot about JavaScript events!
This is the 28th project of Wes Bos's JS30 series. Today we'll build an experimental video speed controller UI.
This is the 29th project of Wes Bos's JS30 series. Today we'll build a custom JavaScript countdown timer from scratch.
This is the 30th project of Wes Bos's JS30 series. Today we'll build whack a mole game from scratch in vanilla JS!
This is the seventh project of Wes Bos's JS30 series. We will be creating a bunch of small examples to play with various array methods such as `some()`, `every()`, `find()`, `findIndex()`, `splice()`