Blog Posts

This is my about page!

Fun with HTML5 canvas

03 September, 2018

This is the eighth project of WesBos's JS30 series. We will be creating a drawing canvas.

    LocalStorage and Event Delegation

    03 September, 2018

    This is the 15th project of Wes Bos's JS30 series. We'll be building a to-do list of sorts, with local storage to persist the information across a refresh or reload.

      Webcam fun

      03 September, 2018

      This is the 19th project of Wes Bos's JS30 series. Today we'll use getUserMedia and Canvas to capture a video stream from a user's webcam and manipulate the pixels.

        CSS and JS clock

        02 September, 2018

        This is the second project of Wes Bos's JS30 series. We will be building a "clock" as using 'div's, some CSS animation and javascript. The idea is to replicate a minimalistic analog wall clock with an hours, minutes and seconds hand.

          CSS variables and JS

          02 September, 2018

          This is the third project of Wes Bos's JS30 series. We will be building a simple app to play with CSS variables.

            Made with ♥ by a group of nerds on Earth!